Monday, November 22, 2004

[TV] Love triangle explodes in Everwood!

EPHRAM the surly teenage genius loves AMY, the most popular girl in school, who’s obsessed with COLIN (who’s been in a coma for most of the last six months).

In flashbacks, Colin’s been cocky and almost unbearable. Now that he’s just gotten home from hospital, script and performance have turned him into a quiet tortured soul – showing how awful it’d be to have amnesia while being surrounded by loving friends.

It’s a great pay-off for a pivotal character who was mostly off-screen for the first half of Season 1, and a vivid demonstration of how Everwood’s writers do exactly what you expect and hope to see, but twist it in a way that makes it deeper, more human.

Coming soon: a Beginner’s Guide to Everwood.

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