Friday, August 17, 2007

Titles - a new theory

Decided that The Lucky Joneses needs a new title. It's simply not descriptive enough (on first exposure) for people to know what it's about, or be interested in learning more.

That lead me to think about titles I've come up with that I think work. I think what they do is give a clue about what I think the hook is, and they use a pop-cultural phrase. Examples - The Zombie Plan (is a game about surviving a zombie attack). Left Coast (is a game about slightly crazy sci-fi writers in California).

Initially, I'd been brainstorming ideas related to 'family'. I considered 'family to be the centre of The Lucky Joneses. Obviously a new title would have to key off that somehow. But that didn't come up with anything that inspired me (except 'Family Crisis'. I kinda like that).

So, I mind-mapped all the hooks I could think of for this game, the things I was excited about, and ran them through The Prioritizer. Here's what I got:

1. Comedy (88.1%)
2. Screwing each other over (83.3%)
3. Wild and crazy scenarios (71.4%)
4. Best case / Worst case (59.5%)
5. Sitcom (54.8%)

Tied for 6. Take turns being the star // Family //Simple (17.9%)

I found that interesting. Family is at the bottom of the list. 'Comedy' and 'Screwing each other over', followed by 'Wild and crazy scenarios' are at the heart of what I'm really into with this game.

Perhaps a subtitle: "A game about families" is in order.


Jenni said...

I dreamed last night that you called it "Now I Interrupt!" and I thought it was a crappy title. Don't call it that, k?

hix said...


I spent most of yesterday working on this. It was damn fun!

There are some contenders.

hix said...

Oh yeah, and a couple of nights ago, not only did I dream a playtest of the Lucky Joneses ... I also experienced tabbed dreaming - just like in firefox, you have a tab for each page, so I had a tab for each dream. It was damn weird flicking between them.

Internet browser = metaphor for visualising info = weirdarse changes in me brain.

Seraph said...

How about "Thicker Than Water" ? Or "In This Week's Episode" ?

'Family Ties' would be a great name - if it weren't for the whole MJF sitcom connotations ...

Hey - maye just "Sitcom - A game about Family" ? That would put the emphasis on comedy though I guess.


hix said...

That's some good stuff, G.

Maybe I could call it "Families, this week" so it abbreviates to FTW - which is my favourite internet acronym at the moment.

Matt said...

Wait, f*ck the world (ftw) is your favourite intacronym at the moment? Or does it mean something else in the internets?

Matt said...

Ah, I google ftw and find 'for the win', meaning 'they/it is the dogs bollocks'.

Dealing with teenagers in real life I see the profane version fairly often, and hadn't come across the online version :)

hix said...

I didn't know it meant either of those! I thought it was a reversal of WTF? to indicate extreme bafflement and confusion, and a feeling that maybe reality had just fallen apart without you noticing.

Matt said...

I have seen stupid people with FTW and FTP (where P stands for police) tattood onto themselves. In both cases it was the rude f word.

I did not tell them that I didn't approve, on a cunning 'not getting beaten to death' strategy.