Sunday, April 18, 2010

The New Thing starts tomorrow

In preparation, here's an xkcd comic that sums up a little of where I'm going.


d f mamea said...

nice. very nice.

Helen Rickerby said...

This. Is. Awesome.

And thanks for the Lost watching!

Steve said...

I was really pleased when I hit the random button on xkcd and this was the first thing that came up. Very appropriate to where my head is at.

I believe I shall consult it whenever I need to make a decision: xkcdomancy.

Karen said...


Of course, sometimes life doesn't leave us much space for dreams, and we can't get away with saying "f**k that shit"... leaving it in the nappy is called neglect and they take the kids away.... but if we can get through today and tomorrow, our dreams will eventually start coming back to us. Human beings seem to have amazing capacity for hope...