Friday, September 16, 2005

[Biz] Getting the details for business

These next steps are all about finding out the specific information you need. Completely ignored in all this is product development.

Do you need any other team members (accountants, lawyers, employees)?
What are your short, medium and long-term goals (from your SWOT analysis)?

Conduct market research. Connecting with the market and seeing what the demand is are vital steps:
1) what products are around, in what price range?
2) who are your customers?
3) how can you build a relationship with them?
4) what sort of things are they buying?
5) what's the niche market?

List who your customers are.
Identify potential buyers.
Research other markets (via the Internet, trade magazines).
Build client relationships.
Brainstorm how you will market and promote your product.
Decide how you will follow-up with your customers.*
Do a competitor analysis.**
Talk to the Business Information Taxation Officers at the Inland Revenue about GST, PAYE and income-tax.***
Talk to Small Business Advisory Centres. See the Wellington Chamber of Commerce.
Decide on trading structure: sole trader, partnership or company.
Make sure you're physically able to deliver the work. That you are healthy enough.

The next list will be all about the final steps before you set up to start trading.

* Books that I own like Choose and Grow Your Business in 90 Days and The 10 Second Internet Manager have ideas for this step.
** See my Business Plan Workbook.
*** This information is available for free. Specifically I want to understand how drawings are accounted for.

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