Friday, May 14, 2010

The New Thing Part 2 is coming in 4 days

As a counter-point to the New Openness, Derek Sivers has a great post all about the dangers of sharing what you're planning to do.

Research shows that talking about your ideas makes you less likely to accomplish them (because announcing something gives your mind just enough of a sense of achievement that you don't actually need to do the thing).

I'm actually aware of this principle - and I've fallen victim to it many times. I'm hoping that clearly defining the next actions I'm wanting to take with each project will help minimise the threat from this effect a little.


d f mamea said...

my Lovely Wife used to think that i was secretive when i was suspiciously vague about my plans for the weekend.

it's just that whenever i announce that i want to chop wood or mow the lawns or go for a long run, i DON'T. because i've bloody ANNOUNCED it and i REFUSE to be beholden to people expectations.

or summat.

Steve said...

Now you can also cite Mahler (1933) and Gollwitzer (2009) to her, if she asks you to chop wood or mow the lawns. Your agreement would actually make you less likely to do it.

She'll love you for it.