Wednesday, January 26, 2005

[The Limit] Four to go

How to waste time: Watch The Hidden, Aeon Flux, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (my first time!) and the first half of Space Hunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone which features the screen debut of Molly Ringwald. Try and get up five hours later to work on The Limit pitch.

Yeah, yesterday got off to a slow start.

Circled around working for most of the day. Even tried to scare myself into it. Finally, I took all the action sequences I’m confident about performing and squeezed them down. Halved most of the timings and now (I'd estimate) the pitch is down to about 14 minutes.

Plus, massively re-edited ending. This simplification may end up in the film; replacing a fight with a single word.

4 minutes left to cut. The process, well it's going slower than I wanted but the end result's getting better. Now if I could just combine ‘better’ with ‘fast’.

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