Sunday, July 10, 2005

[TV] Lost 1.10 & 1.11

***** (1.10) & ***** (1.11)

Awesome. Claire’s backstory was really nice and menacing but what was great was that her actions in the real world (nightmares) triggered off a whole bunch of related activity so the episode felt really fleshed out. Plus a great cliffhanger …

I’m going to watch the next ep right away.

... And 1.11 was even better. A strong A-plot (the pursuit of Claire and Charlie) leading to a lot of character development. Or at least character reveals which deepen our understanding of the characters.

Plus more confirmation of my theory of what’s happening comes from Sawyer.

The two strongest eps so far and yet another really interesting cliffhanger.

Character notes:
Jack feels guilty and needs to save everyone.
Locke respects people who are determined to do the right thing.
Claire provides a good energy to the cast – she’s very nurturing, light and emotional.
Michael needs to do things – and notice how they’re carefully establishing his credentials at being able to build things.

I’d expect the next episode to be about Walt. This is in line with my notes about Easy Continuity yesterday – in 1.11, Walt mentioned that his ‘other’ dad thought Walt was the luckiest person he knew.

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