Thursday, August 25, 2005

[Comics] Serenity #1

The best thing about reading this sequel to the Firefly TV series (and prequel to the movie) is the thrill of recognition I got from re-meeting each new member of the crew. The plot's pretty simple: a heist goes wrong (shocking!) and the Blue Hands show up again. In terms of pacing, the whole thing plays like the first act and a half of an episode of the TV show.

In other words, two thirds cool and one third filler.

The characterisation is solid, there's a one-page scene between River, Mal and Inara that's almost worth the price of admission - and I think I’m falling a little bit in love with Zoe.

Comics still remain the worst value for all my entertainment dollars, though. $8.15 for eight minutes of enjoyment. Even an arcade game is better value than that (sorry Wayne!).


Anonymous said...

*hand wave*

you WILL lend me your Serenity comics..

hix said...

I *will* lend me your Serenity comics.

Anonymous said...

That's the #1 reason why I stopped buying comics. Much as I loved Transmetropolitan, I could digest an entire issue in less than five minutes. That's like spending $100 to go to the movies.

Some comics give more (David Mack's Kabuki has hours of entertainment per page IMO) but they're too few.

(The #2 reason was that every time I discovered a great comics writer doing their own thing, Marvel would buy them to write superhero comics. Brian Michael Bendis used to be a first-rate gritty crime comic writer; now he's the guy who writes Ultimate Spider-Man. It's like if David Cronenberg had, instead of going his own way, taken all those movies he was offered in the '80s like Beverly Hills Cop, Flashdance and Top Gun.)