Monday, January 17, 2005

[Astral] Consequences

"I tried to will myself to move down, because I was close to the ceiling fan and was afraid of being hit by the blades."

What happens when things go wrong while astral depends on what Rating your character was trying to employ. [Symptoms] include:

Strange tingling.
Light humming.
Swinging wildly, pendulum like, over your body.

Contine to full Consequences list ...

Slamming back into your body.
Watching your own funeral.
Physical paralysis.
Loud roaring.
Visual distortions.
Uncontrolled drifting.
Feeling surges of electrical currents through your body.
Feeling like you're in an earthquake.
Body vibrating. Sometimes like a train running through your bedroom.
Ashamed of your flaws.
Running away.
Pressure on your chest.
Nightmares and phobic worst cases (like being buried alive, swept away by a tidal wave).
Events that dramatise the fears you need to confront. For instance if you are terrified of violence you could appear in the middle of an ancient battle.
Dense layers of energy: mist, colour, liquids or various walls or borders that impede movement.
Odd humming sound.
Strong vibrations or energy in the body.
Unexplained lights.
Missing or distorted time.
Abducted by force.
Accidentally create a Doppelganger - a versions of you with its own existence.
A babble of voices, requesting help, overwhelming you.
Slowness of breathing.
Voices, laughter or your name being called out.
Coolness or heat.
Arms or legs floating.
Limbs drifting away from your body. [First original thought.]
Energy surges through your body.
Strange noises: wind, engine, music, bells, etc.
A babble of voices, requesting help, overwhelming you.
Slowness of breathing.
Voices, laughter or your name being called out.
Coolness or heat.
Arms or legs floating.
Limbs drifting away from your body. [First original thought.]
Energy surges through your body.
Strange noises: wind, engine, music, bells, etc.
Vision reversals.
Being sucked into a whirlpool or Tornado.
Simple overexcitement that keeps the experience from developing.
Unable to move through a negative experience.
Moving as if underwater.
Dark clouds. An evil presence.
Aliens. Abduction. [As a Focus consequence.]
Unable to speak.
Thumping noises.
Maybe, poltergeist activity.
Simulate your own death. A Focus consequence.
Being touched or pulled.
Being held down.
Having a seizure.
Trapped in darkness.
Growling noises.
Attacked by beasts.
Aberrations, glitches and inconsistencies in well-known environments.
Having your name called out. Being talked about. Being threatened.

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